19th November 2020 Minutes (Draft)


Draft Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 19 November 2020 via Zoom


Chairman             Cllr Mrs A Alexander
Vice-chairman    Cllr Mrs S Shaw
Finance officer  Cllr M Head
Cllrs Mrs M Clark, P Goode, Mrs J Head and C Midgley

Apologies: None

Public Forum

A resident raised asked questions about the South Kyme Festival Committee accounts and donations made by the Parish Council to Festival Committee for events put on in the village.  As the Festival Committee is not connected to the Parish Council in anyway, Cllr Midgley, a member of the Festival Committee, agreed to present some details of  the financial transactions at the next Parish Council meeting.  The  resident also raised a query about the conduct of the Village Tidy Group and its relationship with the Parish Council and asked for the Council to discuss this matter.

With no further questions, the Public Forum was closed.

20/21/19 Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the meeting held via Zoom on 17 September 2020 were presented as a full transcript. Councillors were unhappy with the minutes being presented as a full transcript and asked that they be revised into the normal format.  The chairman said the minutes would be presented at the January meeting for agreement.

20/21/20 Declarations of interest: None

20/21/21 Financial report: Cllr M Head corrected a figure from the last financial report and presented the current one. Two payments totalling £73.16 were approved by members.

20/21/22 Correspondence:
1. The chairman read a letter from a resident in which he stated that poppy seeds had been planted to commemorate the end of World War I and had been intended for one year only. The resident asked for an apology from Cllr M Head for suggesting that Cllr C Midgley had ‘shaved’ the river bank and cut the poppies down.  Cllr Head responded that as agreed by the Parish Council at the April 2015 meeting (minute reference 14/15/86), it was resolved that the following areas would be designated as ‘poppies with protection’ areas: the triangle at Church Lane; High Street, the junction and at Low Road/Clay Bank.” Cllr M Head  said it was therefore not the intention that the poppies should be there for only one year, and he therefore did not believe an apology was required.

2. A letter from Mr and Mrs Holt had been received, offering to the village a tapestry sampler produced by a former resident of South Kyme that they had found during a house move. The chairman had spoken to the Village Hall Committee, who had agreed to display it in the Coronation Hall.

3. The chairman referred to a letter at the previous meeting from Waterways Chaplain, Mrs Tina Clark, in which she suggested the new footbridge be named The Morris Bridge as a tribute to Mr John and Mrs Jean Morris.

Further correspondence had now been received from Mrs Clark and Mr Roy Tarrant, suggesting that a more fitting memorial to Mr and Mrs Morris would be a carved wooden sculpture, funded by donations from the residents of the village and/or grants.

Further discussions ensued about the naming of the footbridge, renaming the village hall and the sculpture.  Cllr M Head agreed to meet with Mr Tarrant and Mrs Clark and to come back to the January meeting with an update.

4. A letter was received from Mr Dominic Henderson stating that having recently taken over the care of the SID unit, that he had found that the SID battery was only lasting 2-3 days. He stated his belief in the value of SID units as a traffic calming measure, and asked for an update on the purchase of the proposed new SID Device put out to public consultation to South Kyme Village. ACTION: Clerk to write the Clerk at North Kyme with whom we share the SID unit and offer to share the costs of a new battery.

20/21/23 Not for Resolution

20/21/23.1 Speedwatch update: Cllr Clark reported that from 20 September to 31 October, 192 speeding vehicles had been logged. Activities had been suspended during lockdown. She thanked Cllr Goode for his work in erecting the SID for a number of years.

Cllr Head suggested writing to the Police and Crime Commissioner requesting more enforcement action by police. Cllr Clark said attendance once a month had been promised, and that some police presence had occurred. It was felt the pandemic had probably caused this to slip. Cllr Head requested feedback on any action taken by the police. ACTION: Cllr Clark to request this and report to the January meeting.

20/21/23.2 Parish Council website update: The chairman said LCC had now delivered a platform for the parish council to build its own website, but until a new clerk was appointed it was difficult to progress this. The website would include details of other organisations in the village.

20/21/23.3 Environment Warden Update: Cllr M Head reported that Mrs Glossop was still happy to take on the role. The terms and conditions would be the same as for the previous warden. He said PPE would need to be provided, at a cost of around £60. The pandemic had caused a delay in the training coming through from NKDC. He asked for agreement in principle to confirm Mrs Glossop’s appointment. This was seconded by Cllr Clark and agreed unanimously.

20/21/23.4 Parish Clerk Position: The chairman reported that the interviews would be taking place within the next week.

20/21/23.5 Skips for the village: Cllr M Head reported that he had set up a cash account with the supplier.  Lockdown had delayed the initiative. Cllr Shaw proposed hiring the skip in January. Cllr Midgley proposed getting the skips between Christmas and new year. This was seconded by Cllr Goode and unanimously agreed. ACTION: Cllr M Head to contact the skip company and report back by email.

20/21/24 For Resolution

20/21/24.1.Volunteer policy: Cllr M Head suggested updating the volunteer policy to make it generic and not time-specific  Cllr Clark asked whether the CSW team was covered by the Parish Council, and Cllr M Head confirmed that it was.  ACTION: Cllr Clark to provide a copy of the risk assessment held by the police.

After lively discussion about the Volunteer Policy, it was agreed that  Cllrs M Head , Midgley and Clark would review and amend the policy for re-submission to the Council for approval.

20/21/24.2 Speed Indicator Device: Cllr M Head said the cost of the unit was about a third of the precept, and a consultation had been agreed.  A draft consultation letter had gone out on 29 September to all councillors for comment, but only three councillors had responded.  He asked for agreement that the consultation letter be sent out.  Referring to Mr Henderson’s letter, he said the existing unit was half owned by North Kyme Parish Council, who needed to be contacted to get agreement on what to do about the unit.  ACTION: Chairman to write to North Kyme.

Councillors voted unanimously in favour of sending the consultation letter out. ACTION: Cllr M Head to print out the letter for distribution.

Cllr Clark asked for a more specific price to be included in the letter. Cllr Head agreed to put the net of VAT price.

The meeting was then closed

Date of next meetings: Thursday 21 January 2021

                                             Thursday 25 March 2021